Fixed a minor issue that caused a crash introduced in 0.6.

0.6 brings a brand new game mode, Drop Four (also known as Connect Four, Captain’s Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Four in a Row, Four in a Line and Gravitrips). I’ll add more information about this in a game design post. Other features include:
- Browsable release notes in app, that include links to the blog.
- Back and forward buttons in the game history.
- In game action buttons now use icons.
- Previous move highlight now fills the square.
One major bug fix and a bunch of minor changes in 0.5.3 to try and smooth the path for new players.
- Players will no longer get stuck in a game started from the “Load game” screen.
- The in game overlay that shows instructions now has a solid background. The “Hide Overlay” button now says “Continue” and is more prominent.
- Trying to play when it is the AIs turn shows an alert telling you.
- Default player names are now chosen based on whether the player is human or an AI.
- Starting a “quick game” (currently only possible from the Rumble announcement) does not randomise player order, so the human player always goes first.

The biggest feature added in 0.5.2 is a new visual style for Gomoku pieces.
I have a new game mode in development and I realized it didn’t look right using the current style for pieces. As I started work I decided Gomoku might be improved with its own style too. The result is intended to look more like traditional Gomoku stones.