- Fixed a crash that could happen because of the new pan and zoom code.
- Fixed some other minor issues that could make panning or zooming fail.
- Added a message to the main page if an update is available.
- Implemented the first part of zooming and panning to the game screen. As a result, new users will longer be able to skip Gomoku levels in campaign.
- Fix crash when trying to go to the multiplayer page.
- Make easy AI even easier.
- Fix possible crash when exiting a network game.
- Fix issue with video ads being shown to Prime users.

- A new color for all users: <span style=“color: #FFEB3B; font-weight: bold”">YELLOW.
- Two new colors for Prime users: DEEP BLUE and BLUE GREY.
- Five new icons for all users: plus, square (outline and filled) and diamond (outline and filled).
- Four new icons for Prime users: five and seven pointed stars (both outline and filled).
- Added a news item for local multiplayer.
- Fixed release notes not appearin on first load.
- Fixed spectate mode crashing when trying to spectate a multiplayer game not yet started.
- Cleaned up how inactive games are handled in the multiplayer UI.

- Added Local network multiplayer.
- Cleaned up how player details are shown on game setup and in game.
- Improved consistency of many small bits of UI.
- Load game UI updated to make game options more discoverable.
- Moved game results on to the game screen,
A feedback form has been added that is accessible from the About page.